Brian Poindexter
1 min readOct 6, 2023
"Parable: Humility Finds Grace"

"Parable: Humility finds Grace"

In the temple's hallowed hall, two men did pray,
One Pharisee, the other tax collector, they say.
With contrasting hearts and voices, they did speak,
Their stories of redemption, we must now seek.

The Pharisee, with head held high, did boast,
Of righteous deeds, he loved to make the most.
"Lord, I thank thee, I'm not like other men,
Unjust, adulterers, or even this tax collector, Amen."

Yet the tax collector, humbled and contrite,
Would not even raise his eyes to the light.
With trembling voice, he uttered but one plea,
"Lord, have mercy on a sinner like me."

In this parable, a timeless truth we find,
The humble heart, to God, is truly aligned.
For in our brokenness, we find His grace,
And in His love, we find our rightful place.

So let us learn from these two souls that day,
To humbly seek God's mercy in our own way.
For it's not in self-righteousness we gain His favor,
But in humility and repentance, our souls we savor.

Brian Poindexter

In a world hungry for authenticity, I, the writer, stood as a symbol of unapologetic truth-telling, reminding us all that sometimes, it takes a literary rebel.